Monday, November 29, 2010

Meaning of Skull Tattoos - Skull Tattoo Pictures

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A recent phenomenon in tattoo designs is the use of skulls and dungeons. The skull design symbolizes many meanings one of them being the termination of one's life. But besides that, skull designs can also be understood as rigid or tough. Over the years the perception of a skull is synonymous to danger. But the world of tattooing has given it a different meaning.

This transition has lead to the emergence of various kinds of skull designs. The first one to be dealt with is the girly skull design. Skulls earlier were usually worn by men. But the world of unisexual items has created a lot of items both common for man and women, the skull design has got a different look just by making it more feminine. In this a bow could be added on the design to add a extra girly touch. The color combination adopted should be in accordance with the colors which are most likely accepted by girls like pink and purple. This tattoo design is used by committed couples where the tattoos are the same but it has varying sexes.

Secondly, in Mexico sugar tattoos are used extensively to emphasize two very important days that are celebrated i.e. 1st November which is mourning day for deaths of young children throughout the year and 2nd November which is mourning day for the adults. In Mexico these designs are used which pictures, a skull like design that signifies the immortality or also the revival of life. Another form of skulls is the decorated form. In this the design does not reflect a gothic touch rather a friendly or a happy touch. Skull is usually associated with a scary picture but in the decorated form the skull is accompanied with flowers, butterflies and other forms of nature to make it more attractive. Skulls can be also merged with other forms and designs i.e. we provide an extra element to the design. The skull can be depicted in a dragon form with wings, or a head of a skull and the body of a snake.

Star Tattoo Designs Top 5 Choices

 The Star Tattoo design is one of the most popular choices for lots of people and must also be one of the oldest types of tattoo design. There are so many different types to choose from but all can be cool and exciting and of course you are not limited to where on your body you may like to have a star tattoo.

My top 5 choices are as follows.

1. Shooting stars, these are a very popular choice with celebrities just because of their diversity and originality. We can have them anywhere on the body and of course in any colour we feel appropriate. We can have a galaxy or just one we can have them in various shapes or styles running up our leg or across our back or a simple design on our wrist.

2. One of the oldest designs is the Nautical Star and this is associated with sailors. Seen as a symbol of guidance and protection sailors felt they were a protection when at sea and would help protect them and guide them home. Now popular by all as a symbol to guide us through life.

3. The Pentagram is often associated with witchcraft and evil spirits', however in Celtic folklore the stars 5 points symbolised balance and protection from 4 of the points with the final point representing your spirit. A downward pointed star is said however to represent the devil so we should be very clear in any choices here.

4. The Septagram is a seven point star design which is often associated with astrology as representing the seven planets. It is also associated with the chakras and has an element of mystery and prophesies which is why I have included it here.

5. Now my final one is Tribal Star Designs which are very different in the sense that one would expect the star to be incorporated into another design an animal or plant as a sign of strength or fertility is quite normal. Here we can really experiment and design our own symbol in the knowledge we know exactly what the different symbols represent.

As with many designs at the moment celebrities have been showing off their latest works of art and certainly Rhiannon's shooting stars of all sizes which wrap her neck and right shoulder are a stunning piece.

I always recommend some planning prior to any tattoo and this includes Star Tattoo Designs, just make sure that you know exactly what you want and get a template to make sure this is exactly what you get.

Olivia Curtis loves tattoos and has become a big fan of Writing Tattoos with a pet hate for those that get the writing wrong ending up with a nonsense statement instead of a dedication to loved ones or an inspirational quote.

Join Olivia on her Blog Site where she provides support advice and guidance to make sure you get the correct writing tattoo.

Top Sources of Unique Tattoo Ideas

Tattoos have evolved from being an emblem of taboos to being sophisticated body artworks. While tattoos in the past are used for identification and for social status indication, modern day tattoos are used mostly for self-expression. It is more common nowadays to see both men and women with tattooed skins. With the emergence of new artists in the field of tattooing, this ancient tradition becomes more and more established as a contemporary art form. Tattoo designs range from a simple illustration of a small star to intricate drawings of dragons, ancient gods and beasts. This article features some popular tattoo ideas that may help you in choosing or creating your very own skin art.

Perhaps the most common tattoo designs are those that have tribal themes. These <>tattoo ideas<> stem from the fact that we humans tend to look at the past to learn about our roots. And since tattooing has been a tradition of a lot of ethnic groups throughout the world, the perfect way to remind ourselves of our cultural heritage is by having these ancient markings preserved on our skins. Typical elements of tribal designs include geometric shapes and curved or straight lines. Black ink is generally used but colored inks are used as well.

Tattoo ideas based on Celtic art are also popular due to the vastness and variety of symbols that carry different meanings for the Celts back in the early days. Spirals, knots, keys, and human figures are some of the elements found in Celtic-inspired tattoos. Both Celts and non-Celts have this type of tattoos today.

Mythology is considered to be one of the sources of tattoo ideas. Ancient creatures such as dragons, phoenix, and centaurs have become leading tattoo designs to project personal strength and power. Sometimes the images of the ancient gods are also included in a design as is the case in Japanese and Chinese designs.

Other sources of tattoo ideas are paintings (Monalisa and Vitruvian Man), everyday objects (flowers, stars, anchors), animals (snake, wolf, bear) or images of your favorite celebrities, athletes, historical figures, and most especially, people who are significant to you. Actually, design inspirations abound in our surroundings and everyday experiences. Draw inspiration from the things that you value most. Keep in mind that thinking of a design is all about incorporating significant aspects of your life. By tattooing, these memories are translated into a remarkable piece of art.